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Fremantle’s new Draft Strategic Community Plan out for public comment.

5 April 2024

Good to see the City of Fremantle’s new Draft Strategic Community Plan out for public comment.

This will set the Fremantle Council’s priorities for the next decade, so it is worth having a look at if you care about our community.

There are five key themes:

  • A liveable city that is vibrant, socially connected and desirable
  • A thriving city with a prosperous and innovative economy
  • A creative city that is inspiring, diverse and dares to be different
  • A resilient city that plans for the future and is empowered to take action
  • An inclusive city that welcomes, celebrates and cares for all people, cultures and abilities

Most of it sets the city in the right direction in my view.

My only suggested changes were:

  1. The “Connected City” section need mention bike riding and needs to adjusted to say that Fremantle should be “easy and safe for pedestrians AND CYCLISTS to move within …” In my experience, there is not a sustainable, well-connected city in the world that does not have cycling at its heart.
  2. The “Resilient City” section needs to talk about climate action in a way that responds to both the causes and effects of climate change. West Australians have some of the highest per-person emissions on the planet so it is only right that we stop being a disproportionate cause of climate change. So hopefully the Fremantle Council can add “CAUSES” so the plan says: An educated and empowered community that seeks to mitigate the CAUSES AND effects of climate change. A community is informed and takes action on the CAUSES AND impacts of climate change.”
  3. More explicit targets in terms of population growth and infill in Fremantle. Stating how many people and where could be useful but this could also sit in the City Plan if not in the Strategic Community Plan.

I was also impressed by the Let’s Talk, Freo! community engagement program and the process that the City of Fremantle used in pulling this together.

You can have your say here: Let’s Talk Freo: Strategic Community Plan Review | My Say Freo (


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