Hearing from WA Homelessness Inquiry Resume Monday
13 August 2022
The Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations will continue hearings, as part of the Inquiry into the financial administration of homelessness services in Western Australia on Monday 15th August 2022.
The hearings will be broadcast live via the WA Parliament website and Committee webpage.
The following organisations and government agency will appear as follows on Monday 15th August:
09:00am – RUAH Community Services
10:00am – Youth Affairs Council of WA and Youth Pride Network
11:00am – Shelter WA
12:30pm – Department of Communities
For media enquiries, contact Hon Peter Collier MLC, Chair, on 0437 707 685.
Other inquiries, to Ms Tracey Sharpe, Committee Clerk, on (08) 9222 7400.
Further information regarding the committee is available at http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/est
When these committees are set up, why do you not have an actual expert involved. Homeless people are the experts of their own experience. Not the organisations that it is in their best interests to keep us homeless so the money continues to flow. Relying on these orgs does not get anything done, except the people on the committees get to pay each other on their backs and justify their existence. How many committees have been established with these same orgs and people speaking and still nothing substantial has been done. All hot air and talk does not get people into houses. Invite an expert next time and something might start happening!
Parliament rules determine membership but that is why we did call witnesses who had direct experience of homelessness